Has occurred when a stimulus is added to the environment, or is increased in intensity, immediately following a behavior, and this serves to increase the frequency of that behavior occurring in the future (Cooper, Heron & Heward, 2007).
Has occurred when a stimulus is removed, or decreased in intensity, immediately following a behavior, and this increases the frequency of that behavior in the future (Cooper, Heron & Heward, 2007).
"Reinforcing only those responses within a response class that meet a specific criterion along some dimension(s) (i.e., frequency, topography, duration, latency or magnitude) and placing all other behaviors in the class on extinction" (Cooper, Heron, & Heward, 2007, p. 693).
Differential reinforcement of other behavior (DRO) is a procedure that provides reinforcement for the absence of problem behavior during a period of time (interval) or at a specific time (momentary)