Antecedent stimulus that evokes imitative response
A novel behavior following a novel antecedent event
The entity providing reinforcement for verbal behavior
A teaching method "...emphasizing the use of specified teacher directions, programmed instruction and presentation of materials, examples, and prompts, the use of reinforcement and mastery learning principles, regular and direct assessment, and teaching prerequisite skills" (Callahan, Shukla-Mehta, & Wie, 2010, p. 78).
Pinpoint - means to describe an actual movement which a learner needs to perform in a specific time interval to show an improvement on learning behavior.
Record - means that a learner or a teacher collect data on pinpointed behavior regularly and display these data graphically using the Standard Celeration Chart (the SCC).
Change - means that the teacher analyzes the data using guidelines of analyzing the SCC (Graf & Lindsley, 2002) and quickly makes changes in a current instructional method if needed.
Try Again - means that the teacher keeps exploring the best instructional methods for those learners who need more help and provides the learners with the opportunities to practice until the mastery level.
When the "instructor assesses the child's ongoing interests, follows the child's lead, restricts access to high interest items, and constructs a lesson within the natural context, with a presumably more motivated child." (Anderson & Romanczyk, 1999, p. 169)
Functional communication training (FCT) - " application of differential reinforcement of alternative behaviors (DRA) because the intervention develops an alternative communicative response as an antecedent to diminish the problem behavior" (Fisher, Kuhn, & Thompson, 1998, p. 543).